
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

digital audio & animoto

AAC: Advanced Audio Coding, Itunes default.
MP3: MP is short for MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) &; 3 refers to "audio layer 3".
AIFF: Audio Interchanged File Format, an uncompressed audio file.

Audio File Size Comparisons:

AAC:.......................................6.4 MB
MP3 (greater):..........................4.7 MB
MP3 (good):.............................3.2 MB
AIFF:.......................................34.5 MB

At first, when comparing the quality of the files, I didn't notice much of a difference at all.  Only when I compared the uncompressed AIFF file and the lowest quality MP3 side-by-side did I notice that a lot of subtleties are lost in the MP3, but it doesn't sound bad by any means.

When putting a lot of music on your computer, I would use a high quality MP3 or AAC file, because they're all relatively small files without sacrificing quality.

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.

Try our video maker at Animoto.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fundamentals of Digital Art: Cell Phone Photography

Monday, August 27, 2012


Hi everyone, my name’s Tom.  As an artist, I find that art often crosses over to my other interests, in this case, pet keeping.  I will be focusing on how to make your vivarium as aesthetically pleasing as possible without sacrificing safety and functionality for your critter.  So I’ll mostly be showing DIY projects I’ve done to spruce up my pets’ homes.

First off, I want to introduce my two geckos:

Gin, the Leopard Gecko

   Bub*, the Crested Gecko